
Based in Montreal, My Profile Projects is the story of 52 women written from Alecs’ point of view and photographed by Jenni.

Showing how the events of our lives leave remarkable imprints on the very fabric of our being, each profile weaves the thread that connects the past to the present. If we just sit and listen to one another, we can all find something that bonds us—we’ve all experienced versions of the same themes—because, on the most elemental level, we are all simply human.

Shedding light on how each of us processes hardship, the ultimate aim is to demystify the illusion that life is easy, focusing instead on how despite the challenges and struggles we all face, we are all healing in our own way; trying to transform our pain into a site of meaning so as to move forward with nothing weighing us back.

Your weekly dose of humanity, My Profile Projects shares the internal world of the external being,  reflecting on moments of peoples’ lives to show how we are all connected.